Thursday 31 July 2014

Lacing the streets

It's a wonderful moment when you discover something truly beautiful and utterly creative. One of those moments came to me recently while scrolling along the Facebook newsfeed of an evening (as you do), and stumbling across the work of a Polish artist who creates street art out of lace.

Lace stencil by NeSpoon
In the most delicate of graffiti, artist NeSpoon decorates pavements, walls, brickwork and street furniture with beautiful lace motifs.

Embracing a range of media, her work has incorporated ceramic mandelas and huge stencilled paintings, to even using some traditional crocheted lace.

And it's not just the gritty urban landscape that gets the NeSpoon treatment, several projects have seen her working with tree hollows and stumps, in parks and on beaches.

A sucker for a geometric pattern, especially when it involves lace or tiles, I fell head over heels when I found this piece from her 2012 work in ceramics; a stunning design pressed into a cracked pavement filled with clay.

Ceramic 2012 by NeSpoon
Ceramic 2012, by NeSpoon

Her latest collection 'Illegal city decor' sees her lace-bombing the streets of Warsaw with spray-painted stencilled doilies. My yarn bombing efforts pale into comparison!

City Decor 2014 by NeSpoon
City Decor 2014, by NeSpoon

See more of NeSpoon's exquisite work at and show your appreciation!

The original discovery was made on